Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The last week

Sorry I haven't been getting on here, between School, and now i'm trying to get fit (yoga, and the gym) I haven't had much time for a daily update... but then again, I guess I don't really need to do a daily one... I could just do a weekly one.. which I might start doing

The little one never came into much contact with the ferret this week, and i've been feeling a bit down on the weekend so I didn't leave bed much (and neither did she) - I also wanted to put up here as a double confirmation, that she has had a facination with jewerlly lately - but only the DH's jewllery. Not mine at all.
-Affectionate to everyone (company included)
-We gave her a hair cut and she was more stressed then usual, she had four bouts of diahrea
-Charged the ferret (10am)
-Sleeping more than usual
-Cuddled a stranger (someone she only have seen a few times)
-Normal thirst

-Woke up at 630 with me (usually she'll stay in bed)
-She didn't elimiate in the house during the night
-Spent about 10 mins outside (sniffing and digging) <- very unusal behaviour for her, she never digs
-Not thirsty, haven't filled her dish for two days
-Had diahrrea againn

-More focused during training
-Hungry after being fed a large meal
-Barked at a visitor for 25 mins, there was nothing that could get her to stop
-Charged and tried to scare the visitor
-Randomly barked all night

-Quiet, cuddly and  affectionate (more than before)
-Has a facination with DH's neck (and jewllery) this has been going on more often since the remedy started, but we never documented it before.
-Attacked and lunged at ferret
-Barked at ferret for an hour
-Was digging outside in the snow

-Slept all day - wasn't very active
-Went into ferret cage - and sat there for about 15 mins (ferret was out)
-Had a large meal and ate it all (4% of her body weight)
-Affectionate towards DH, not so much to myself

Monday: (was only home for about 2 hours all day)
-Not at all focused on training
-Barked and attacked a visitor
-Skiddish towards anyone who entered the house (even towards us, until we would call her then she would get excited)
-Affectionate towards DH, not so much to myself
Tuesday Morning:
-She woke up with me, and laid by the bedroom door watching me
-Sat in front of the ferret cage and looked at me
-Went outside to go to the bathroom, poor recall

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years everyone! I hope everyone has a safe holiday season.

This si what we've been upto in the last few weeks.

Slept a lot
Normal appetite

went for a walk
good appetite

Was in contact with another dog, did good - ignored
very playful
was fasted today - so never got food (appetitie unknown)

Went for a long drive - slept the whole way (8 hours)
Had a good appeitite
went to bed when we got home
Was in contact with same dog as above, showed teeth, growled - but didn't lunge

Slept in late
had a good appeitie
went for a walk

was fasted - appeitite unknown
went for a walk
slept in

good appeitite
was in contact with ferret, attacked

Attacking ferret cage - throughout the day and night
cuddly and loving attention from company
sleeping more than usual lately
eliminated in the house
appeitite is good

More focused during training
sniffing floor looking for treats - even after dinner
cuddly and very affectionate
attacking ferret if out - nipping
increased thirst

Lunging at cage during the night and growling and whining at ferret
cuddly towards humans
great appeitite
focused on training
stressed out - throwing calming signals out like no tomorrow... - slows training down
eliminated on the floor

stressed out (calming signals for simple things)
more affectionate towards men (that she knows)
good appeitite
attacking the ferret, if put into a different room, she's attacking the door and scratching to get out.
focused on training (but still stressed)

Up all night attacking the ferret cage
eliminated on the floor
unusually tired
cuddly towards bedtime