Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The last week

Sorry I haven't been getting on here, between School, and now i'm trying to get fit (yoga, and the gym) I haven't had much time for a daily update... but then again, I guess I don't really need to do a daily one... I could just do a weekly one.. which I might start doing

The little one never came into much contact with the ferret this week, and i've been feeling a bit down on the weekend so I didn't leave bed much (and neither did she) - I also wanted to put up here as a double confirmation, that she has had a facination with jewerlly lately - but only the DH's jewllery. Not mine at all.
-Affectionate to everyone (company included)
-We gave her a hair cut and she was more stressed then usual, she had four bouts of diahrea
-Charged the ferret (10am)
-Sleeping more than usual
-Cuddled a stranger (someone she only have seen a few times)
-Normal thirst

-Woke up at 630 with me (usually she'll stay in bed)
-She didn't elimiate in the house during the night
-Spent about 10 mins outside (sniffing and digging) <- very unusal behaviour for her, she never digs
-Not thirsty, haven't filled her dish for two days
-Had diahrrea againn

-More focused during training
-Hungry after being fed a large meal
-Barked at a visitor for 25 mins, there was nothing that could get her to stop
-Charged and tried to scare the visitor
-Randomly barked all night

-Quiet, cuddly and  affectionate (more than before)
-Has a facination with DH's neck (and jewllery) this has been going on more often since the remedy started, but we never documented it before.
-Attacked and lunged at ferret
-Barked at ferret for an hour
-Was digging outside in the snow

-Slept all day - wasn't very active
-Went into ferret cage - and sat there for about 15 mins (ferret was out)
-Had a large meal and ate it all (4% of her body weight)
-Affectionate towards DH, not so much to myself

Monday: (was only home for about 2 hours all day)
-Not at all focused on training
-Barked and attacked a visitor
-Skiddish towards anyone who entered the house (even towards us, until we would call her then she would get excited)
-Affectionate towards DH, not so much to myself
Tuesday Morning:
-She woke up with me, and laid by the bedroom door watching me
-Sat in front of the ferret cage and looked at me
-Went outside to go to the bathroom, poor recall

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